The NSYSU assembled a team in Zuoying to undertake the Humanity Innovation and Social Practice Project hosted by the Ministry of Science and Technology. The team collects the history and memories of Zuoying and presents them using innovative methods to build momentum for transformation and be part of the growth of local partners.

The team focused on the Guomao Community, which is predominantly a community of provincial military dependents and the Minnan ethnic groups that have been living around Lotus Pond for over a century.


Guomao Community predominantly comprises retired civil servants. The life stories of these residents are part of Taiwan’s culture and history. Collecting and representing these life stories is a vital mission of the Zuoying Team in Guomao. The team organized a singing competition within the community. The event enabled the team to collect the memories of the residents and establish a positive relationship with the community while the residents sang and shared their life stories. Using “food” to learn the stories behind the signature dishes of mothers in the community, the team organized a professional performance course, allowing mothers within the community to act out their life stories.

There are close to one hundred century-hold Minnan houses located between Lotus Pond and the main roads of Zuoying. These houses, along with local temples of worship, are a treasure trove of Minnan culture in old Zuoying. The NSYSU Zuoying Team presented the local culture, history, and humanities to the public in the form of an art exhibition and performance. Environmental awareness was the focus of the team. The project aimed to collect the representative soundscapes of old Zuoying, including nature and people. These soundscapes were incorporated into the exhibition to enable visitors to learn about old Zuoying through listening.

(中文) 同時,在少子女高齡化的趨勢之下,為了解決與因應人口老化所衍生出的社會問題,「在地安老」是當前台灣社會普遍關注的議題。然而,舊左營區的高齡化現象更為棘手,根據109年戶政統計資料,舊左營33里中有28里之老化指數高於全國之老化指數(127.80%)。因此,我們開始重視舊左營區的「在地安老」議題,並發揮大學功能,協助有能老人至在地單位擔任講師,執行社會服務參與,延續老人的社會價值及促進其對自我的肯定,另外也藉由大學青年學子的陪伴,發揮青銀共創的價值。

(中文) 「數位化」浪潮已悄悄在舊左營區域中蔓延,像是由年輕一輩主理的商家紛紛轉向電商平台、外送平台,因而覓得一線生機;而由高雄市政府經發局成立之「高雄好家載」系統,在哈囉市場中約有20餘家攤商加入,因而即使疫情嚴峻,逐漸沒落且被視為疫情傳播主要場域的傳統市場,尚能持續維生營運。另外,相對年輕的商業經營者開始正視「數位化」浪潮,目前已有​​兩個商家群申請「110年度雲世代小微企業數位轉型創新服務計畫」,企圖在疫情中調整過去之經營模式,展現「韌性」的能量。



The Team rallied all the activities in the project under the theme “Crossing.Zuoying.” The concept of “crossing” implies “transition” and “to endure.” “Transition” reflects the mutual transitioning of spatiotemporal environments and humanitarian groups in old Zuoying. “To endure” represents the team’s anticipation of combining regional energy and resources to form cooperative and support platforms. Together, the team aspires to facilitate local growth and promote local innovation and transformation through art.

Co-principal investigator Professor Szu-Hsien LEE

Sub-principal investigator Associate Professor Yih JENG、Associate Professor Ming-Hsuan LEE

Postdoctoral Research Fellow Wei-Lih YEH

Research Assistant  Bao-Quan XU