This project analyzes the “Kaohsiung Philosophy” and the local cultures and history of the earliest developed districts in Kaohsiung – Cijin, Gushan, and Yancheng – to expand three major dimensions, specifically landscape sustainability, landscape celebration, and vision brand. These dimensions were then developed into three main issues of life society, ecosystem, and production economy. In terms of implementation, the course is categorized into nine engagement projects, including introductory courses “Museum Marketing Implementation,” “School-Based Curriculum Preparation and Implementation,” and “Permanent Exhibition to Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Renaming of Kaohsiung;” vision courses “Maritime East Asia; Brand Harbor” and “International Connection; Local Revitalization;” landscape courses “Wetland Ecology Museum” and “Pursuing Sustainability and Promoting Urban and Community Transformation and Development;” and soundscape courses “Local Inheritance and Cross-Border Innovation” and “Yancheng Life Laboratory and Yancheng Summer Festival.” In terms of area integration, we adopted a direct creation model in the Cijin District that focuses on different field characteristics and the cooperation of local teams. Using Cijin Social Development Base as the hub, we linked the War and Peace Memorial Hall, Fund for Children and Families, and Yangming Marine Transport Museum to promote relevant courses and projects. We adopted a cooperation model in South Gushan, linking several local organizations, such as KWs, Takao Railway Museum, and Takao Kaisha to promote local revitalization through industry-university cooperation. We collaborated with the Kaohsiung Museum of History and Crowned Museum of Art to organize a local culture and history show. The overall plan will facilitate school teachers and students in learning about local characteristics and consequently promote communities to give back and foster their strengths, thereby fulfilling the social responsibility of university and community co-prosperity.
Team Department of Sociology
Principal investigator Professor Ching-Li YANG
Co-principal investigator Associate Professor Jasper HSIEH、Associate Professor Hua-Mei CHIU
Sub-principal investigator Assistant Professor Mei-Hsiang WANG、Associate Professor Yu-Fong WANG、Han-Yu WU
Contact Han-Yu WU 0911-728-000
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