After NSYSU’s Aerosol Science Research Center won the bronze medal in the environmental sustainability group of Taiwan Sustainability Action Awards (TSAA) in October, NSYSU was recognized again for its efforts in the promotion of campus sustainability with TCSA’s (Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Action Awards) University Outstanding Performance Award and a silver medal for its Sustainability Report. The awards were conferred in a ceremony to NSYSU’s Senior Vice President I-Yu Huang by the President of the Examination Yuan, Jong-Tsun Huang. This year, a total of 329 corporate organizations submitted over 900 projects, and 39 universities participated. In his opening speech, the Chairman of the organizer – Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy (TAISE) Eugene Chien – said that this year, he was particularly impressed by the success and dedication of universities across Taiwan in their governance, environmental and social responsibility. As NSYSU issued its first Sustainability Report in 2021, the medal is the best recognition of its achievements in promoting sustainability.

The awards were conferred in a ceremony to NSYSU’s Senior Vice President I-Yu Huang (on the right) by the President of the Examination Yuan Jong-Tsun Huang (on the left). (Photo provided by TCSA)
With the global trend of sustainable development, NSYSU also attaches great importance to the practice of environmental sustainability and social responsibility. Senior Vice President I-Yu Huang is the convener of the Sustainable Development Group and carries out the strategic planning of sustainable promotion and social responsibility practices. The 2020 Sustainability Report was jointly compiled by the Social Engagement Center and the Office of Institutional Research and includes information on the development of academic affairs and social responsibility. It demonstrates NSYSU’s achievements in the promotion of sustainable development from 2019 to 2020. The report takes the concept of ESG and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals as indicators to connect NSYSU’s achievements in sustainability with international standards. Senior Vice President Huang said that NSYSU is a driver for the development of Southern Taiwan, not only in assisting the industry’s upgrading with technological advancements but also in caring for the society, helping revitalize local communities, and creating a sustainable environment, which further allows the University’s influence to spread to different corners of the world.

NSYSU was recognized again for its efforts in the promotion of campus sustainability with TCSA’s (Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Action Awards) University Outstanding Performance Award and a silver medal for its Sustainability Report. The awards were conferred in a ceremony to NSYSU’s Senior Vice President I-Yu Huang.
In addition, two USR (university social responsibility) projects of NSYSU were selected as the highlight stories of USR EXPO 2021 of the Ministry of Education: “USR Project: The City as a Commuseum – Socially Embedded Community Engagement” of the Department of Sociology and “Industry-University Co-Creation and Local Harmony – Cooperative Empowerment and Extension Service” of the College of Management. The first project focuses on the urban transformation of the Old Port in Kaohsiung City, including Cijin, Gushan, and Yancheng districts, expanding three major dimensions, specifically landscape sustainability, soundscape celebration, and vision brand, and developing these dimensions into three main issues of life society, ecological environment, and economic production. At the beginning of this year, the project was selected as the winner of a local revitalization competition. The second project puts the strengths of NSYSU College of Management into play –matchmaking of the corporate social responsibility, the local community, and public welfare teams – allowing the CSR resources to be used more effectively and delivered to where they are most needed. This year, NSYSU has also taken over the Counseling Center for Regional Revitalization of Southern Taiwan of the National Development Council and taken practical actions to help youth revitalization teams in the south, combine local culture with specialty industries, and attract the youth back to their hometowns.
Executive Director of the Social Engagement Center Professor Ching-Li Yang said that NSYSU will continuously promote sustainable development and social responsibility in three aspects: environmental co-existence, society’s common good, and academic cooperation and will engage more academic and administrative units to participate so that sustainable development can become a movement in Taiwan. In the future, the Sustainability Report will be published every year to share the results of the University’s social practice and will be an important commitment to promoting the overall sustainable development at NSYSU.