(Provided by Institute of Public Affairs Management) The USR team of the College of Management at NSYSU collaborated with Laser Tek Taiwan on the “Fulfill Your Dreams in Kaohsiung Project”. Huang-Yen Chen (Vietnamese name: Tran Hoang Yen), a new resident from Vietnam married to a Taiwanese for more than eight years, was recommended by Kaohsiung Hunei District Community Development Association for the Fulfill Your Dreams in Kaohsiung Project with her Dream Studio project proposal. She hopes to build a studio at home to strengthen her financial ability. Chen uses recording equipment to set up online courses, manage an online community platform and a YouTube channel to help new immigrants integrate within Taiwanese society.
She said that after her children were born, she quit her stable job and began to try her hand at online auctioning, reaching out to netizens through live streaming and videos. The Fulfill Your Dreams in Kaohsiung Project provided a soundproof recording room for Chen to set her mind at rest when working, with no disturbance from outside. Chen is happy to connect with other new residents on the Internet and help them solve problems.
The USR team of the College of Management has a dedicated hotline to provide the assistance necessary for the implementation of the project. The project staff provided related resources and knowledge on the design and arrangement of the curriculum of the course, directing and editing video content, and on self-improvement, for Chen to help her overcome the language barrier.

The USR team of the College of Management at NSYSU collaborated with Laser Tek Taiwan on the Fulfill Your Dreams in Kaohsiung Project. From the left are: Associate Dean of the College of Management Jui-Kun Kuo, Chairman of Laser Tek Taiwan Gary Cheng, Manager of Laser Tek Chin-Hao Chang, and project participant Huang-Yen Chen.
As part of the Dream Studio project proposal, she mainly focuses on online courses for new residents and YouTube channel management. She plans to start 28 courses and upload 14 videos on YouTube starting from March to October. Through these courses, she will share her personal experience learning Mandarin with her audience, introduce Mandarin phrases and words popular in Taiwan, and encourage other new residents to self-develop and change their lives.
The co-organizer, Laser Tek Taiwan, is a local company operating in Kaohsiung, which, apart from pursuing the company’s development, is concerned about the local development and welfare in Kaohsiung and focuses on the values of creativity and sharing within the society. The Fulfill Your Dreams in Kaohsiung Project and the College of Management engaged in a USR & CSR collaboration to care for the new immigrants in Taiwan. Laser Tek Taiwan actively participated in the project, with the staff collecting equipment for audio-visual recording and a tripod for Mrs. Chen for her to succeed in her dream. Chairman of Laser Tek Taiwan Gary Cheng said that besides providing funding for the Fulfill Your Dreams in Kaohsiung Project, the company collected goods and equipment the project participant needed. What is more, the employees of Laser Tek were directly involved in the project, trying to work with the project team and participants to fulfill their CSR.
The project investigator, Associate Dean of the College of Management Jui-Kun Kuo, pointed out that the Fulfill Your Dreams in Kaohsiung Project encourages individuals to submit their projects independently and that the Dream Studio proposal not only helped Mrs. Chen improve her financial situation through work in online marketing but also, she is expected to help build a cultural bridge between Taiwan and Vietnam and help new residents solve their problems in adapting to local life. It responds to the government’s New Southbound Policy.
Associate Dean Kuo said that the Fulfill Your Dreams in Kaohsiung Project is different from ordinary pro bono contributions in that it acts as a “fishing rod” and allows participants to design action plans for social improvement depending on their individual life situation. The team of the College of Management and Laser Tek also joined the project at its various stages. The collaboration of schools, enterprises, and project participants inspires local change in Kaohsiung.