As the epidemic continues, in response to the 4.0 Relief Plan of the Ministry of Culture, National Sun Yat-sen University established an administrative support system and launched a matchmaking project to connect NSYSU’s counseling service with corporate project funds to help art and culture groups submit proposals of non-profit performances. The project lets enterprises fulfill their social responsibility by supporting art and culture.
“This is the first project in Taiwan to develop a model of cooperation between arts and enterprises to respond to the difficulties of the epidemic.” Executive Director of NSYSU Social Engagement Center Ching-Li Yang pointed out that the epidemic has halted arts and cultural activities in Taiwan, and many art and cultural organizations are facing a crisis. NSYSU Institute of Public Affairs Management, Graduate Institute of Arts Management and Entrepreneurship, and the USR project of the College of Management, “Cooperative Empowerment and Extension Service,” collaboratively put forward a project calling on enterprises to subsidize arts and cultural organizations and letting them provide programs in line with the society’s needs. For instance, programs may include the promotion of arts and culture in remote villages through charitable performances and online courses in art education to make art and cultural resources more accessible to the public. Appropriate funding can bring multiple benefits and strengthen the connection between arts and enterprises.

The USR project at National Sun Yat-sen University matchmakes local enterprises with art and culture groups for community welfare. (Photo by NSYSU)

The USR project at National Sun Yat-sen University matchmakes local enterprises with art and culture groups for community welfare. (Photo by NSYSU)
Associate Dean of NSYSU College of Management Jui-Kun Kuo emphasized that the Ministry of Culture has included the promotion of cultural development in the scope of the CSR report, and that the models of cooperation between arts and enterprises are becoming more and more diversified. But how to connect these public welfare resources? “University is a good bridge-builder.” This project can bring immediate relief to arts and cultural organizations at this critical moment and open up more possibilities for arts, public welfare, and the needs of the public, said Associate Professor Jung-Feng Hsieh of the Institute of Arts Management and Entrepreneurship.
NSYSU Social Engagement Center stated that in the first phase of the project, the team has contacted collaborating corporate partners and raised NT$ 1 million in sponsorship resources to assist at least 10 arts and cultural organizations in planning non-profit events through an open call. In the future, the Center will continue the project and matchmaking, welcome enterprises from all fields to donate funds and support arts and culture in Taiwan. NSYSU continues to provide counseling and administrative assistance for the 4.0 Relief Plan of the Ministry of Culture; art and culture organizations in need can contact the University.

On June 15th, the Bureau of Cultural Affairs of Taichung City Government organized an online briefing and invited the manager of NSYSU Social Engagement Center Chih-Wei Chen and representatives of the Ministry of Culture to give speeches. The event attracted the participation of over 200 art and culture workers. (Photo provided by Bureau of Cultural Affairs, Taichung City Government)

On June 15th, the Bureau of Cultural Affairs of Taichung City Government organized an online briefing and invited the manager of NSYSU Social Engagement Center Chih-Wei Chen and representatives of the Ministry of Culture to give speeches. The event attracted the participation of over 200 art and culture workers. (Photo provided by Bureau of Cultural Affairs, Taichung City Government)
Since the epidemic outbreak last year (2020), the Social Engagement Center at NSYSU has been working with the local Bureau of Cultural Affairs to help arts and cultural teams get through these difficult times. In June this year, the manager of the Center Chih-Wei Chen was invited to participate in an online briefing with the Bureau of Cultural Affairs of Taichung City Government to give an introduction and advice on the application categories and process of the 4.0 Relief Plan of the Ministry of Culture. In addition to the present administrative assistance, NSYSU hopes that this matchmaking project can make use of its influence to connect more resources with needs, and provide assistance to the community during the epidemic with concrete actions and fulfill the University’s social responsibility.
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