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中山大學設原民資源中心 強化學生文化認知 - 原視新聞



根據人類學研究,南島民族擁有 1300 種語言,主要分布於南太平洋群島,包括:台灣、海南、越南南部、菲律賓、馬來群島,東達南美洲西方的復活節島,西到東非洲外海的馬達加斯加島,南抵紐西蘭,其中,又以台灣作為南島語的源頭,中山大學位於台灣原住民鄉鎮分布最多的南部,從地理位置來看,具備山海地理、文化與社會相應對稱的特殊意義。

(English) According to anthropological research, Austronesian people speak over 1300 languages and inhabit regions around the Pacific Ocean: Taiwan, Hainan Island, Southern Vietnam, the Philippines, the Malay Archipelago, as far east as the Easter Island off the west coast of South America, as far west as Madagascar off the west coast of the African continent, and as far south as New Zealand. The location of the Center is significant to the Austronesian peoples’ culture and society: Taiwan is the origin of the Austronesian peoples and its south part is the area with the most indigenous villages in the country, and finally, the NSYSU campus is surrounded by the mountains and the ocean.


鄭英耀校長指出,近年來,台灣在經貿、商務、農業、 醫療、科技等方面,積極與泛南島國家交流,凸顯台灣研究與推廣南島民族的必要性和重要性;中山作為精緻研究型大學,為應響原住民族人權、教育及人才培育的呼籲、積極投入原住民族文化振興工程,特別設「南島民族社會文化發展中心」及「原住民族學生資源中心」,藉此建構原住民部落活化再生與延續的能量。




(English) NSYSU has been studying the development of the society and culture of the indigenous peoples, and, since its establishment, cultivated many professionals representing different indigenous groups. Last year, a new program – Master of Indigenous Studies in Sociology was established at the Department of Sociology. This year, the program has closely cooperated with the surrounding indigenous villages, promoting local innovation and USR projects, and has also organized an event promoting Rukai culture together with the Council of the Rukai People (Kadaenganeta ka Ngungadrekai) to encourage scholars of different fields to invest in the social development and practice in the indigenous villages. There are 64 indigenous students at the University studying for 10 different majors, including sociology, education, management, and arts at NSYSU. They represent over 10 different indigenous groups, mostly Paiwan, Rukai, Amis, and Atayal.